candy for Martina (it's actually not for Martina but for the students who have therapy sessions with her)
fidget toys
bottled water
granola bars (students loooove the Z-bars)
lava lamp
we will be adding to this list as we go
potted plants of any kind, cuttings of plants for rooting
Parent Volunteers
Do you have a special skill that you could teach our students?
Can you work with our students to prepare them for their first job? Can you guide them through writing a resume? Can you practice job interviews with them? Do you love sharing your life experience from your job site?
Do you think you could help with a group to teach our students coping skills? We have a lot of freshmen who struggle with anxiety who would love to connect and learn!
Do you have experience writing essays for admissions for universities? Can you inspire others with your knowledge and experience?
Can you sew? Or knit? Or crochet? Make other types of art?
Do you have any other talents you would love to share with our students?